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Free ebook | Joomla 2.5 Made Easy - A pocket manual for Joomla newbies

Joomla 2.5 Made Easy - Ebook by JoomlaShine
89 pages
Language: English

Everybody can use Joomla to build their websites, even when they haven't used it before. Why I am so sure of that? Because I am going to introduce a nice Joomla ebook to you. It guides Joomla newbies how to build a Joomla 2.5 website from the scratch, easily and quickly.

We wrote the ebook "Joomla 2.5 Made Easy" from a Joomla newbie point of view. Therefore, it is simple, clear and easy to follow with step-by-step guidelines and detailed figures. You need more details? Let's take a look at the introduction infographic below

Joomla 2.5 Made Easy

Hey Joomla newbies, what are you waiting for? Get start today! You are free to download this ebook and share it with everyone. All you need to do is going to our Facebook to see the download link. We feel really happy if you Like us for more Joomla tips and tricks after enjoying this e-book . Small action for an incredibly FREE e-book!

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If you build a website successfully with this ebook, don't forget to tell us about your experience. All ideas to improve this ebook will be appreciated.

Last modified on Вторник, 25 июня 2013 02:40

Laura Andersons

Joomla! and Open Source fan. In spare time he writes the blog posts about Joomla Tutorials including reviews of popular Joomla Templates, Extensions and services. If you have started learning Joomla just buzz him via Skype, He would be glad to help you :).


1 comment

  • Waheed

    posted by Waheed

    Понедельник, 17 сентября 2012 03:43

    Great effort! You guyz are really giving a lot to the community of developers!

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