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Laura Andersons

Laura Andersons

Joomla! and Open Source fan. In spare time he writes the blog posts about Joomla Tutorials including reviews of popular Joomla Templates, Extensions and services. If you have started learning Joomla just buzz him via Skype, He would be glad to help you :).


One of the most coolest advantages of Joomla is the extensible ability; you know, with 9000+ extensions on Joomla Extensions Directory (JED).

However, if you are new to Joomla & get confused with what extensions are necessary for your website, take a look at the inforgraphic about 9 must-have Joomla 2.5 extensions below. Thanks to them, you can use Joomla more easily and more securely. You can also do SEO on your website better.

Infographic - 9 must-have Joomla 2.5 extesnions for your website

Here you can get more details about these extensions - 9 must-have Joomla 2.5 extensions - Let’s take a look!

All feedbacks are appreciated. You can give them in the comments below.

JSN PowerAdmin - Making Joomla easy and fun to use

Joomla is powerful, but is it easy to use? Some people agree with that, but some people don't since they find it hard to start using Joomla. You know, it is not easy for a newbie to define front-end items in the back-end, change module positions, etc. Read on to find out how you can solve these problems...

JSN PowerAdmin features

Spotlight Search

Spotlight Search – Search for anything instantly

Spotlight Search - Search for anything instantly

Spotlight Search helps you search for items in your website quickly. If you see a word or a phrase in the front-end and wonder where it is in the back-end, just use this function. It allows you to search in 10 areas such as Content Articles, Modules, and so on. Thanks to this, accessing and editing items is quicker than ever.

Site Manager

Site Manager – Manage menu, component and modules in one place

Site Manager - Manage menu, component and modules in one place

Site Manager helps you control the website content in one place. As you see, it covers Menus, Components and Modules.

To change menu items and module positions, just drag-and-drop. To edit content - modify names, show or hide elements, delete, etc. - just click. No more comparing the front-end and the back-end content; many fewer clicks. .. Now everything is visible.

Joomla 2.5 Made Easy - Ebook by JoomlaShine
89 pages
Language: English

Everybody can use Joomla to build their websites, even when they haven't used it before. Why I am so sure of that? Because I am going to introduce a nice Joomla ebook to you. It guides Joomla newbies how to build a Joomla 2.5 website from the scratch, easily and quickly.

We wrote the ebook "Joomla 2.5 Made Easy" from a Joomla newbie point of view. Therefore, it is simple, clear and easy to follow with step-by-step guidelines and detailed figures. You need more details? Let's take a look at the introduction infographic below

Joomla Day 2012 in Germany - Come to meet and talk!

From the start of 2012 until now, Joomla Day 2012 has taken place in 17 cities around the world. The next stop is in Berlin, Germany in October 05-06, 2012. If you have not come to previous 17 Joomla Days yet, this is another chance for you to join one of the biggest annual Joomla events. If you came to one, two, or all of them, I think you will not want to miss this 18th Joomla day. So, this time, what will we have?

Joomla Day 2012 Germany | Joomla Day

Joomla Day 2012 Germany

2 days and many hot topics

Joomla 3.0 - What is it about? Let's discover!

As scheduled, Joomla 3.0 is going to release in the September, I believe that a lot of Joomla users are curious about this new Joomla version and the hot keywords are “Bootstrap” and “responsive design”. Understand that concerns, I did research deeply about Joomla 3.0 and would like to share with you my knowledge in this blog.

Moreover, I will introduce you the Joomla 3.0 demo that JoomlaShine team created for Joomla users as a playground for those who love to discover its features.

Joomla 3.0 will be released in September, 2012

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